By changing one detail - you can improve the whole.
Leave those details on us.
If you are not sure whats missing in your interior - we have the answer.
The Flowers Nairi professional team of Floral Designers will make sure your home ,office, restaurant or any other place feels to be an even better place after we give it a touch of nature, life and color.
Leave your comfort on us.
By changing one detail - you can improve the whole.
Leave those details on us.
If you are not sure whats missing in your interior - we have the answer.
The Flowers Nairi professional team of Floral Designers will make sure your home ,office, restaurant or any other place feels to be an even better place after we give it a touch of nature, life and color.
Leave your comfort on us.
Květinová nebo rostlinná dekorace doplní a podtrhne jakýkoliv interiér domů, bytu, kanceláře, restaurace, recepce nebo butíku.
Naše květinové studio Flowers Nairi nabízí službu floristy, který přijede na místo a pomůže navrhnout vhodnou dekoraci pro daný interiér.
Po odsouhlasení vhodné varianty, začíná florista okamžitě s realizací návrhu.
Vaše pohodlí bude naší starosti.